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Pastor David Quackenbush
David Quackenbush

Senior Pastor

David is a pastor with a heart for God and for God’s people. Enabled by the Holy Spirit, he delivers the straightforward message of the Word of God in a simple, clear and relevant manner, seeking to bring people to a saving knowledge of Christ and to maturity in Christ.


As a gifted singer, preacher, and teacher, he ministers in both English and Italian. He has pastored and served Canadian Assemblies of God (CAOG) churches in the provinces of Manitoba, Ontario, and Quebec; served for three years as CAOG District Overseer for Ontario; and, nine years as a General Treasurer at CAOG.


He married his wife Angela while studying for the ministry at Eastern Pentecostal Bible College. God has blessed them with three sons: Jonathan, Stephen and William, two wonderful daughters-in-law, Margaret and Angela, and six beautiful grand-children, Adriel, Davide, Naomi, Emma Grace, Jordan, and Micheala.

Kara Lee Daley
Kara Lee Daley

Young Adults Pastor

Kara Lee is originally from Bathurst, New Brunswick (Canada). She started attending Ossington Pentecostal Church in November 2007. She graduated from Master’s College and Seminary in 2009 and received ordination from the Canadian Assemblies of God (CAOG) in 2012. She has been serving full-time at OPC as young adults pastor, worship leader, and the church office secretary.


Moving from a small city to Toronto, Kara is no stranger to the struggles that accompany being alone in a new city.  She was a young adult looking for a church and found a home and a family at OPC. Kara has a deep love for God and music, which is evident as she leads worship with a passion to see God exalted and praised through songs.

Gary Ramharack
Gary Ramharack

Youth Leader


Gary and his wife Kezia moved to Canada in 2011 from sunny Trinidad. They began to attend OPC on August 7, 2011 and immediately felt right at home. Gary and Kezia were blessed with the birth of their son Daniel Jude.


Gary began serving in various OPC ministries after becoming an active member. In September of 2014, Gary assumed the leadership role of the Youth Group Fusion.


He has a strong desire to continue to grow spiritually and to see the young people grow and deepen their relationship with God and each other and to continue to build the foundations they already have.

Gary Ramharack
Sam Madio



Samuel (Sam) Madio has been a member of the Ossington Pentecostal Church since 1959 and a member of the Board. Sam has served for over 25 years in a variety of roles and currently serves as Treasurer. Sam has also been leading the Sunday School adults class for many years and assisting in other activities as needs arise.


Sam has been in the financial services industry for about 25 years. He manages a client practice, helping families achieve their financial goals. As well as his navigation and knowledge of the investment world, he also provides guidance in the areas of tax planning, estate planning, and risk management.

Gary Ramharack
Vince Madio



Vince Madio has been with Ossington Pentecostal Church for over 25 years. He currently acts as elder and greeter and sits on the Board as a non-elected member. Vince has served in a number of capacities since he became a church member.


Vince was born in Sicily, Italy. He and his wife Mary came to Canada in the early 1950s. They have four children and reside in Woodbridge, Ontario. He is a man with a heart to serve and encourage others around him. 



Gary Ramharack
Rosanne Madio

Board Secretary


Rosanne was born and raised attending Ossington Pentecostal Church, she can truly call it her home church. After graduating from Eastern Pentecostal Bible College, she has been serving as a volunteer in the Christian Education department and Music ministry. She currently serves as the Christian Education Coordinator and Board secretary.


Having parents that instilled biblical principles and the importance of Christian education, Rosanne together with a dedicated and faithful team, make it a priority at OPC to teach and share God’s Word on a weekly basis. There are Bible classes for all ages–from nursery to adult.

Gary Ramharack
Dominique Paquet

Board Member


As a semi-retired PR and marketing professional, Dominique has more time to serve God and hang out with family and friends. In addition to her teaching role at OPC, she has also enjoyed being involved in gospel outreach at the Salvation Army for nearly 15 years.


She currently advises young people on their career moves and edits Christian books and materials and also translates them for French-speaking audiences around the world. In 2014, she published Jumping for Joy, a book on the joy of living for Christ and fulfilling His love mission. The book is available on and under the name DJ Paquet.


Dominique is married to Doug and they have a daughter Jamie, who is married to Andre. They all love the Lord and attend OPC, where they serve in various capacities.

Rob Stehlik

Board Member


Gary Ramharack

Rob and his wife Tania began attending OPC in 2012. The church's strong sense of family and community was immediately apparent and was exactly what they had been praying for as they were starting off their family. Within a few years they were seeking membership and they have been committed to the church ever since. They are blessed with two wonderful daughters, the youngest of which was born and dedicated at OPC.


Rob is a mechanical engineer. He studied at the University of Toronto and enjoys opportunities to fix things or make things better. Rob has served as an usher for several years and recently joined the board of the church. Rob appreciates the opportunity to give back to a church that has blessed him and his family in so many ways. 

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